The Tuath Dé and the Daoine Sidhe
The Tuath Dé and the Daoine Sidhe
Thursday, November 3 at 7:00 pm ET with 1-week recording available

The Tuath Dé, the "Tribe of the Gods," the Shining Ones, were a mysterious people who "returned to Ireland on the black north wind." Their magic, their power, their beauty were unrivaled. Then, with the onslaught of civilization, the coming of the Gaels across the waters from Spain, they left this world for the Otherworld – becoming the Daoine Sidhe, the "People of the Mound," the Faerie people. Join Seán for an exploration of the nature of these mysterious ancestors.
Registering for this class means that you are enrolling in the live webinar, with access to this recording for the week following the live session.
(Registration for this class is now closed.)